About CEDA

CEDA is an independent registered charity and not-for-profit company limited by guarantee which provides learning and social opportunities to disabled people in Devon.  The organisation’s work is overseen by a management committee of trustees comprised of individuals with different areas of interest and expertise, including knowledge and experience of disability and/or voluntary sector practice and with a broad range of management skills.  

The CEDA team are hard working, committed and knowledgeable in their field; many have worked at CEDA for a long time. The staff are positive and highly motivated, making CEDA the leading organisation it is today.

The day-to-day running is overseen by Renata Colley and Diana Cole who job share the role of CEO, who, between them, have worked at CEDA for over 30 years.

The leadership team co-ordinate and run the different services CEDA has to offer:

Craig Bowden- Partnership and Marketing Lead

Sarah Kingdon- Quality & Impact Lead

Sarah Curtis- Community Services Lead

Jenna Atkins- Activity Hub Services Lead

Nick Cranston- Youth Service Lead

Rachel Clemens - People & Culture Lead

Naomi Hutchings - Finance

Howard Hoskins - Calmer Lives Lead


CEDA also employs a team of enablers to work with our members.

CEDA is committed to developing the team and actively supports the whole team to access as many training opportunities as possible. CEDA is also an equal opportunities employer.


CEDA operate many services to offer as many opportunities to our users as possible. 

CEDA Adult Services

Activity Hub

Learning and social opportunities for disabled adults. This service operates Monday- Friday for 51 weeks of the year.

Community Services

1-1 enabling, short breaks and 1-1 learning. This service operates 7 days a week all year round, as and when you need us.

Developing Me

Person centred planning, multimedia advocacy and social development. This service operate mainly Monday- Friday as and when you need support.


CEDA Youth Services

Youth Services

Fun, play and social opportunities for children and young people aged 5 and up (must be in year 1, due to our Ofsted registration). This service operates through out of school hours, after school club, Saturday club and through all school holidays.

Calmer Lives

Calmer Lives from CEDA is a network and support service for parents and professionals looking at different behaviours and associated disabilities. 


Other CEDA Services

Arts and Music

Disability arts of all mediums, accessible music and promotion or the arts. This service is interlinked through all other CEDA services.

Access All Aerials Radio

Breaking Broadcasting Boundaries, broadcasing live and recorded radio shows by disabled people 24/7.